Our Ministries
In addition to our weekly Sunday Worship Services, we have a number of church ministries that are geared toward particular groups within the congregation. Each ministry has the same goal of “making disciples” (Matt. 28:18-20) and “equipping the saints” (Eph. 4:11-16) through the prayerful study of God’s Word.
Please use the links on this page to explore these in more detail and, as always, feel free to contact the church office with any questions you may have.
Equip Classes
Equip Classes run September to June every year and are available for ALL AGES! Our 2024/25 classes begin September 8 and will end in the middle of June. Click the button below for more information about our classes, classroom breakdowns and a map of the church.
The children’s ministries of the Church of the Open Bible exist to come alongside families as they endeavour to raise children in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Infants & Toddlers
At the Church of the Open Bible, we recognize that not all stages of life are created equal! Specific phases of life offer particular demands, joys, and needs.
Young Adults
The young adults ministry seeks to disciple and mature young adults ages 18-29 within the the Church of the Open Bible and throughout the Swift Current area. Our purpose is to glorify God by preparing his people to serve the church and evangelize their neighbours.
All are welcome to join us as we study God’s Word, pray with and for one another, and celebrate the happenings in each of our lives. For more information, please contact our Associate Pastor or check out the Church Calendar for up-coming events.
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
Junior High Youth Group — Grades 6 through 8 — meet weekly for a time of interactive Bible study, prayer and fun activities.
Senior High Youth Group — grades 9 through 12 — meet weekly for Bible study, worship and fellowship
Please check out the Church Calendar for up-coming events.
All are welcome!
“Inspiring women with our Lives, our Lips, our Labour, and our Love for Christ.”
...loving one another and working together with one mind and purpose. (Philippians 2:2).
Our ministry to women at the Church of the Open Bible, inspires to teach each other to live in a way that honours God, to build bridges of friendship with each other and the community, to be spiritual mothers, daughters, and sisters in Jesus Christ, and to be a part of God's mission through service.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact the church office.
Check out the Church Calendar for up-coming events.
Mens Ministry
Every Wednesday morning at 7am, a group of men from a number of different churches in the area, gather together to study the Bible and apply its timeless truths to our lives as men. We finish at 7:45am, but many men stick around for a cup of coffee and fellowship.
All are welcome!
* This ministry is currently on hold.
A Men’s Prayer Breakfast is also planned bi-monthly and takes place at a local restaurant.
Check out the Church Calendar for up-coming events.
Life Groups
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works
Life change isn’t an individual activity, it happens in community. But sometimes it can seem difficult to get to know people in a big church, at least well enough to excite that kind of transformation in our lives. That’s where Life Groups may help.
Life Groups are small group, Bible-centered studies that meet weekly (or bi-weekly) in homes throughout Swift Current and the surrounding area. These small groups provide a more intimate setting for worshiping God (Psalm 100:1–5), building one another up for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:10–16), and reaching out beyond our walls for the glory of Christ (Matthew 28:19–20).
If you’re interested in joining a Life Group, have questions about involvement, or are thinking about leading or hosting a group in your home, please contact Aline Wiebe.
Care Ministries
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us”
As Christians, we affirm that redemption and restoration can be realized only through Jesus Christ. That said, the Holy Spirit—the author of all change, growth, and healing—gifts, directs, and empowers Christians to care for one another within our communities and through meaningful relationships.
While the needs of people within a community vary greatly, we desire to connect people with one another so that, together, they can be encouraged to lean on God for strength and healing during trying times in life.
If you have a need and would like someone to talk to about getting help, please contact us.
If you would like to learn more about our GRIEFSHARE ministry, please click here.
If you would like to learn more about our PROJECTCARE ministry, please click here. If you would like to learn more about our DIVORCECARE ministry, please click here.
Prayer Ministries
As a 19th century theologian noted, “Prayer is the highest use to which speech can be put. It is the highest meaning that can be put into words.” At the Church of the Open Bible, we desire to be a people of prayer, using our words to this lofty end. In an effort to make this desire a reality, we have several ministries dedicated to this specific task.
Prayer Room: On Sunday mornings during our worship services, dedicated individuals spend time in prayer for the service as well as for specific prayer requests submitted by members of the congregation. If you would like to participate in this ministry or have a prayer request or praise item you’d like added to their list, please contact the church office.
Prayer Chain: Life happens quickly and needs for prayer arise just as fast. Because of this reality our church has an email and phone chain that circulates prayer requests throughout the congregation oftentimes within an hour of receiving them. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain or have a request to be added, please contact the church office.
Prayer Day: A number of times a year we set aside a 24-hour period to pray for a variety of ministries, needs, churches, people, and situations.